Wintertime Commercial Paving Repairs: Drivers Take Care
Winter brings with it a whole set of complications to the people of the upper Midwest. One of the worst is that roads and parking lots can become unpredictable as the laws of physics take over. Everyone has done it. You overestimate your stopping power or underestimate your stopping distance. Sliding this way or that can be a quick exhilaration or outright terrifying. Especially for a commercial paving contractor that is trying to perform an asphalt repair.
Wintertime repairs are more difficult and time consuming for a commercial paving contractor and, unfortunately, our work site isn’t always in a convenient location, out of the way of traffic. Even in a parking lot, where people should be moving relatively slowly, there are risks to our crews when we are simply trying to make the lot as safe as possible for you and your vehicles. When you see us working out in the cold, please slow down and give commercial paving contractors and our crews as much space as feasible so we can get back to our families at the end of the day.
Life is hectic and we’re all in a hurry to get somewhere, see someone, or buy something, but the safety of commercial paving contractors out doing a hard job in difficult weather shouldn’t be put a risk for doing so. Honestly, we would rather be somewhere else, especially if it is really cold out, but the truth of the matter is that these asphalt repairs need to be taken care of and that is why we do it. Please be aware of us and slow down well before you think you might need to and keep us safe, We apologize if we get in your way from time to time. We do try to finish these wintertime repairs as quickly as we can because it gets cold out there!

I want to make sure that I take good care of my driveway. It makes sense that I would want to get a paving specialist to take a look at it for me would be a good idea. That seems like a good way to ensure that it doesn’t get damaged any further.