Fun Facts About Concrete
Do you ever look around and realize just how much concrete is covering our earth? To some degree, urban growth has decimated some of our natural wonder, and concrete plays a vital role in that, which can have a negative spin. But it also is the base for many of our needs on this planet. Below are some interesting facts about concrete (hard as that may be to imagine) that might just surprise you.
1. The Romans used concrete for the first time. It was a more crude version than what we have today and was made by mixing lime, volcanic ash and water and was called “pozzolana.” The Pantheon, one of the most famous Roman buildings in the world, features the largest dome made from this type of concrete.
2. The largest concrete building in the world is the Trump International Hotel. It stands 1387 feet above ground and features huge amounts of concrete in its composition.
3. Although concrete is very hard and durable, it can be shaped very easily. Concrete is poured into a mold and hardens accordingly. For this reason, many curved structures are made from concrete.
4. Without concrete, it would be hard to travel anywhere. It is used in the construction of bridges, sidewalks, roads and curbs. Together with asphalt, they comprise most of the ways of travel in the United States.
5. Concrete is very easy to make as it is comprised of water, sand, gravel and air. Air comprises about 6-8% of concrete. Contrary to popular belief, cement is different than concrete and a small amount of cement is needed to create concrete.
The next time you are driving down the road, look around you and take notice of the structures all around. Chances are, concrete was used in the development of them. Our world would be a much different place without it and although it’s not something we think about, it’s something we need.

Concrete is one of those materials that never ceases to amaze me. I had no idea that Romans used it so long ago, and the fact that it’s still used today makes me realize how useful it has been for so long. I also had no idea that concrete and cement were different. Thanks for enlightening me!
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I can agree that concrete and stuff can have it’s downside, but I think the pros outweigh the cons. I especially liked the fact that we can’t travel without it. The first thing I thought of is tarmacs are miles and miles of concrete (sometimes asphalt) in one spot. We can’t land planes without it. I also know that in many parts of the world, homes are made of concrete. So many people wouldn’t have homes without it! Interesting stuff, thanks for the info.
You bet! Check back here often for more info! We are trying to educate people as much as we can on what can be coined as a very boring topic. Goes to show there is something interesting in every topic, no matter what!