Vacation Season: Hitting the Highway
For the first time in years, Americans are headed to the highways instead of the sky ways for family vacations and travel. Because of the lowest fuel prices in two decades, more families are choosing to drive to their destination and enjoy the intimate family time in a car. Those of us who grew up in the 70’s and 80’s recall clearly “Stop touching me!” and “Are we there yet?” and of course, the all-time favorite, “I can turn this car around!” With the technology available today, a road trip with the family can be much more peaceful.
While advancements in computer technology effect our travel inside the car, advancements in pavement ease the worry on the roadways themselves. Commercial paving contractors and asphalt producers have developed far superior paved surfaces compared to those of the 70’s and 80’s. While nearly 100% of asphalt and concrete is recycled again and again, the development of a warm mix asphalt has effected the longevity of our paved roadways. One of the most sustainable industries in the world, commercial paving contractors, over the past half century, have changed the way we look at our highways and byways. Maintenance has become less inconvenient due to the increased durability of the blacktop itself and the latest developments in asphalt technology has proven less invasive to the environment.
As you depart on your Grand Canyon excursion or road trip to “Walley World,” remember that not only is this vacation season but it is also maintenance season for our paved surfaces. When those orange barrels appear, that means a commercial paving contractor or state DOT has men and women working within feet of your vehicle. Take special care to follow the rules of the road both in and out of construction zones for the safety of your family and those hard working commercial paving contractors insuring that YOUR highway is safe and smooth.