The Importance Of Proper Drainage In Commercial Paving
The best commercial paving contractors know how important the proper funneling of water can be to the longevity of blacktop and concrete. Standing water on blacktop can damage the surface over time, but the larger concern is when that water makes its way through cracks into the underlying structure. Not only will the water wash away the supporting underlying aggregate base, but it will lead to the deterioration of the asphalt surface. This could result in simply a crack, all the way to a pothole and even the dangerous creation of an invisible sinkhole under the layer of surface asphalt. In this extreme situation, you may only see a small dip in the surface and won’t know the extent of the underlying damage until someone or something falls through.
The best commercial paving contractors make sure that proper water drainage is their top most priority when starting a new job. It starts with an evaluation of the grade of the ground and surrounding landscape. They’ll also look for existing drainage in the area that can be utilized for drain off.
Asphalt repair isn’t as simple as filling in an existing crack. The crack in the asphalt may not be the problem, but merely a symptom of the larger underlying issue. That is why when commercial property owners and managers have asphalt issues, they employ an experienced commercial paving contractor to evaluate and diagnose the actual problem. Sometimes a crack is just a crack, other times it may be a legal liability just waiting to happen. Having a professional diagnose your asphalt repair is the smartest decision you can make and that decision can save you time and money in the long run.
If you ever have concerns about the asphalt or concrete on your commercial property, make the wise choice and consult with a commercial paving contractor on the proper remedy. The best contractors will offer a free evaluation of your situation.