That’s How The Curb Crumbles
Concrete is an amazingly durable and diverse commercial paving product. It’s used anywhere from sidewalks and curbs to foundations and has found a new decorative life with dyes and patterned surfaces. However, one of the oldest applications that is still used today is that of curbs, be it roadside or parking lot.
What that means is that there are a lot of aging concrete curbs that are either starting to crumble or are already a crumbled mess. At best, it just doesn’t look very good at all. At worst, it can actually allow a sidewalk to start shifting or buckling. In either case, a commercial paving contractor should be brought in to remedy the situation.
Depending on why the curb is crumbling will obviously affect the particular concrete repair that is used. If by chance the concrete is breaking down due to spilled chemicals or some other form of contaminant, a full removal and re-pouring is recommended. Patching a crumbling spot isn’t recommended due to the fact that there isn’t a guarantee that the chemical responsible can be washed away or the deterioration stopped. In most cases though, concrete repair is a viable choice to save money over a full excavation and replacement. Talk to your commercial paving contractor about their recommendations as it will vary greatly depending on the specific situation.
The bigger problem with crumbling curbs is that if it was keeping a sidewalk slab in place and now it’s not, then you could have a more expensive concrete repair on your hands. Your walkway could simply shift and heave or, more severely, buckle and crack. Some of these issues may result in fully replacing the concrete.
Once again, it important to consult a professional, commercial paving contractor to make sure that the repairs are conducted properly to avoid spending more money than is needed to get the job done.

When I moved into my house, the curb was crumbling. We got it fixed for the aesthetic looks. I didn’t know that it can also cause the sidewalk to shift or buckle. Good thing we got it fixed when we did!