Patching Problematic Potholes
There’s nothing like the feel of driving on fresh laid blacktop. Unfortunately, it is only a matter of time before wear and tear, as well as the elements, start to have their way with it, creating potholes or a variety of other maladies. In the commercial paving sector, potholes represent a much bigger potential problem than they would on private property. Worse case scenario, personal injury or vehicular damage and, in some cases, both combined, can lead to legal snafus that no one wants to encounter.
The easiest and most cost effective way to deal with potholes is to avoid them with routine maintenance from a commercial paving contractor. This can take the form functions from simple inspections to asphalt repair or even resurfacing with a seal coat. Obviously, the cost would vary depending on what exactly needs to be done, but if you keep a new lot in good repair for as long as possible, the overall cost will be well below the cost of total replacement.
Patching a pothole isn’t a very complex procedure nor does it take a lot of time. However, if the pot hole has existed long enough, there could be issues hiding in the underlying layers that support the blacktop. At that point, what you had hoped would be a simple patch job may result in larger fees to take care of a larger problem. The ideal time to involve a commercial paving contractor is at the very first sign of damage.
Small cracks or sagging blacktop is a good early indicator that something is wrong. Fixing small cracks is the easier of the two because there hasn’t been enough time for underlying damage. A crack fill topped with seal coat can, in many cases fix this. Sagging blacktop, however, can be caused by several factors, but almost always indicates underlying causes which can be a much bigger problem to resolve. Again, the best way to keep your paved surfaces in tip top shape is to contact a commercial paving contractor at the first sign of wear and tear.