Old To New Asphalt: Sealcoat
Blacktop ages just like anything else and at a certain point, it becomes weak and brittle to the point that there are only a couple of options left to you. All the options will require a commercial paving contractor to come in, but depending on several factors, what they do and how much it costs can vary greatly.
If your blacktop is relatively smooth with no bulges, dips, or cracks, you can probably get away with getting some simple repairs and a seal coat applied by a sealcoat company in Minnesota. This will provide protection for the asphalt that is already there but also giving the blacktop a much needed facelift. With a nice sealcoat, realize that you’ll need to have the striping redone, but chances are that the old striping was ready to be replaced if you’re sealcoating the lot.
If there are cracks, bulges, or dips, then the commercial paving contractor will at the very least need to perform asphalt repair in those areas. This is the bare minimum that should be done and produces a perfectly useable surface, but it will be unmistakable where the patches are and creates a patchy look. If you aren’t fond of that kind of appearance, then a full excavation and replacement is in order.
Going back to scratch is obviously the biggest job and associated costs that a commercial paving contractor can do, but sometimes it is better to start over. That way the contractor can make sure that every step, every layer is sound and ready for the next layer all the way from the base layer on up. The end product will look better and last longer than all the other options. Unfortunately it is the most costly option and completely understandable that many consider it to be the absolute last resort. The point being, you have options and all you need to do is consult with your commercial paving contractor to see what is the best for you.