Material Costs Down: Commercial Paving
If you have been waiting to call your commercial paving contractor to come do some work based on costs, then, my friend, now is the time to call. Why, you ask? Commercial paving materials, specifically asphalt, are currently at a nine year low. That means that you are going to get the best price since 2007 for your new commercial parking lot construction and asphalt based seal coats.
It is a great time to save on new construction and preventative maintenance services due to these low costs. If you wait, the price may drop a bit more or begin to rise, but there is no way to predict which way materials might go, considering that asphalt costs are closely tied to petroleum costs. We all know that oil prices can jump up in price with no warning.
Not to mention, that the season for commercial paving is coming to a close in the upper Midwest. If you wait any longer, these material cost saving may be gone by the time you need to something. Even if you’re on the fence and can’t decide if you need some work done, most commercial paving contractors offer free quotes or project evaluations to help make the decision. No one wants to pull the trigger on such a costly endeavor without all the information. The best way to get all the info is to call in a commercial paving contractor and have them take a look at what you might want or need to have done.
Don’t pass this opportunity by, the savings alone are going to be worth it, but more importantly, you’re not letting potential problems grow out of control to the point that you have to spend more than you initially needed to. Asphalt repair is going to be far cheaper than a full replacement. If done properly, repairs can last just as long as the rest of the blacktop, if not longer.