Maintaining a New Blacktop Parking Lot
Your commercial paving contractor just finished laying down your new blacktop parking lot. Looks oddly pretty doesn’t it? It is nice and dark without years of abuse from the elements. The bright striping separating the parking spots and marking walkways are solid and vibrant. Your customers are surely going to notice it even if they don’t actually say anything about it. You send your commercial paving contractor on their way and don’t expect to see them for a very long time.
Hopefully that is the case, but before you let your commercial paving contractor go on their merry way, perhaps it would be pertinent to discuss future maintenance with them. Asphalt and concrete are pretty durable building materials that should last a long time. However, that doesn’t mean that they’ll last forever. That nice looking blacktop will surely fade and the striping will, too, over the course of time. Also, depending on where you’re located and the prevalent weather conditions, the environment itself, could exasperate the aging effects. It’s likely nothing more than a little fading is all will happen, but, after time, at the first sign of substantial damage or cracking, a call should be made to your commercial paving contractor.
It’s understandable that you may not want to spend much money on something as innocuous as a little crack, but that little crack will only grow over time and represent a more costly repair. If you let it go too long, it could result in a costly replacement of the blacktop rather than being a relatively cheap and simple asphalt repair.
Most reputable and established commercial paving contractors offer a free consultation and evaluation of your situation. Take advantage of that and utilize their expertise in the industry. It is after all better to be safe than sorry. Especially when being sorry costs so much more.