Hot Summer Asphalt
It’s finally summer and asphalt and concrete contractors are in full swing and working harder than ever. Leading asphalt and concrete contractors offer plenty of “warm weather” tips for you to remember during this hot season.
- When the temperature is 75 degrees, asphalt can heat up to 125 degrees. You can fry an egg on asphalt when it reaches 131 degrees. If you want to take your pooch for a walk, consider the early morning or evening to do so. Those paws can suffer burn damage while walking on hot concrete. As a test, walk barefoot on the asphalt yourself. If it’s too hot for your feet, it’s too hot for theirs.
- Without proper maintenance, you’ll develop cracks in your asphalt or concrete…and with warm weather and rain comes weeds! There is nothing more unsightly than a parking lot with weeds growing out of it everywhere. If you don’t repair those cracks, when it rains and when winter comes, they’ll get even bigger, continually causing more problems each and every year. Water penetration can destroy the base of the asphalt mixture. Make sure to assess your lot for cracks every year and get them filled.
- Once your asphalt or concrete driveway or parking lot is repaired, make sure to have proper sealcoating done. This will preserve the life of your lot and protect it from damages. It is recommended to sealcoat in the summer months as the warmer weather and extra UV rays help it to seal more quickly and evenly.
With proper attention and maintenance, you can keep your asphalt driveway or lot looking pristine all year round. All it takes is a little time and effort. Most importantly, be cognizant of the weather, how hot is pavement is and adjust accordingly. Your furry best friend will thank you.