Future Preparations: Repair & Resurfacing Asphalt and Concrete
How does one prepare for an uncertain future when your present asphalt and concrete is in perfectly fine condition? The absolute first thing that you need to realize is that no matter how good of a condition your asphalt and concrete is right now, that won’t always be the case. Know that sooner or later you will have issues developing that are out of control and know that in order to properly take care of these issues, you will have to call a commercial paving contractor in to fix them. That is, if you have any care about your investment and spending the least amount of money on asphalt repair rather than full replacement.
The second thing to know is that it will cost money. How much is based on a lot of factors, but the cost is dictated primarily by how extensive the damage is. If you call a commercial paving contractor at the first sign of an issue be it small cracks or pooling water, your cost will be less than if you wait till the problem gets bigger which in turn will require more extensive asphalt repair.
So how should you prepare? First you’re going to want to set aside some money to take care of these problematic eventualities that will arise sooner or later. To get a better idea of how much should be set aside, don’t hesitate to call a commercial paving contractor or two and have a discussion with them. They’ll be able to at least ball park approximate costs for basic asphalt repair or resurfacing an entire lot. That’s a good place to start. Otherwise you can also take some preventative measures in the form of regular seal coat applications. This obviously costs some too, but it can push off the bigger repairs quite effectively and give you time to figure out what you’ll want to do when a bigger problem presents itself.