Damage If You Do, More Damage If You Don’t
In the upper Midwest, there is no escape from a myriad of things that can, and will damage your asphalt and concrete paved surfaces throughout the year. Water, in all its forms, is the primary culprit and cause of the great majority of damage that commercial paving contractors are routinely repairing. Standing water can easily weaken and wear through blacktop and concrete. If it’s running water, it can cut right through and erode the structural integrity of pretty much anything given enough time. Not to mention the damage potential that water has when it freezes. Water has the unique physical property of expanding, rather than contracting like everything else, when it becomes cold. It can easily take a tiny, unnoticeable crack and make it an issue of commercial paving contractor proportions.
The problem is that even if you have a sealcoat company in Minnesota protect your blacktop with any variety of sealcoat sealants, sooner or later, a problem will develop that will require asphalt repair. The difference though between that and just letting the elements have their way with your blacktop is that by regularly applying a sealcoat, you will effectively extend the time between asphalt repairs and, in the long run, save a considerable amount of money. Given enough time and neglect, blacktop will start to disintegrate and that, my friends, often requires an excavation of the old materials and completely new asphalt. A pricey prospect surely.
Unfortunately, this is one of those things in life that, regardless if you do everything to protect your blacktop, or do nothing at all, it will cost you money to fix or replace eventually. The question you have to ask yourself is how much are you willing to spend for repairs or replacement, compared to preventative maintenance and sealcoat? A word of expert advice, spend a little now to maintain your existing asphalt and concrete paved surfaces and when the time comes to deal with asphalt repair, your cost should be at a minimum.