Commercial Paving: Scheduled Maintenance
Commercial property owners and managers are no strangers to schedules. One thing that does seem to be overlooked though is scheduled maintenance services for their commercial paving assets like asphalt and concrete paved surfaces. It’s certainly not on the top of people’s priority lists until there is a problem. Just like anything else, asphalt and concrete do require routine maintenance though it is on a much more protracted time frame.
You wouldn’t stop doing oil changes on your vehicle and just wait for the engine to seize up or explode. Which would be a much more expensive ordeal than just doing the oil changes to begin with. So, why do that with your commercial paving assets? An asphalt resurfacing is much cheaper than a full excavation and relaying new blacktop. Just like concrete repair is cheaper than tearing it out and re-pouring.
In some cases, yes, the old asphalt or concrete needs to go. That might not even be anyone’s fault from a lack of maintenance. Things outside of anyone’s control can and will happen. However, the majority of cases of full excavation are caused by not keeping up with scheduled maintenance or simply ignoring a problem until it is gets so big that it can’t be fixed and needs to be replaced.
If you would rather spend money on replacement of commercial paving assets, don’t do any maintenance and ignore the small problems. However, if you would like to keep that money on your bottom line, keep up with scheduled maintenance and contact a commercial paving contractor at the first sign of a problem. Most, if not all, contractors offer free evaluations and quotes so you will know right off the bat how much it will affect your bottom line. It just makes business sense to spend where you need to and save where you don’t. Scheduled maintenance will undoubtedly save you money in the long run.

I’ve always wondered what they need to do to keep pavement working. It makes sense that they would need to do regular scheduled maintenance! That way it won’t crack too much and become unusable.