The Importance Of Well Maintained Drainage Systems
Ultimately it doesn’t matter what kind of drainage system that we’re talking about, if it isn’t functioning the way it should, there will be damage and costs associated with it. In this particular case, we’re talking about commercial paving drainage systems.
There is more to a well designed and executed parking lot than what’s on the surface. If you want the surface to stay looking good for as long as possible, a well designed and maintained drainage system is a must have. No two parking lots are the same due to the lay of the land and underlying soil types so commercial paving contractors have to take a close look with every lot that they do. This is to ensure proper drainage from the lot and surrounding area. If this isn’t done right, the blacktop will start deteriorating far sooner than it should otherwise.
Once a proper drainage system is in place, you’d think that you’re good to go, but in all reality that just isn’t so. A commercial paving contractor should be involved in a scheduled maintenance program so the drainage system is well maintained or at the very least, checked on by a professional from time to time just to make sure it is doing what it is supposed to do. If the drainage system fails for any reason, the blacktop isn’t the only thing that could be at risk. You may have some concrete repair needed, too, not to mention, damages below the paved surface that cannot be seen.
What it all really comes down to is that if a commercial paving contractor isn’t a part of your maintenance in whatever form that takes, you could find yourself paying for completely avoidable damage. Sure, you may need to spend a bit here and there for the maintenance, but it will surely be cheaper than a full excavation and a completely new lot. If you begin to see standing water where there shouldn’t be, it is recommended that you get a commercial paving contractor involved before it’s too late.